
Risk, Reward and Robert Frost

Risk, Reward and Robert Frost 1504 1000 Dux Communications
White-blonde bangs and a button nose were pressed against the bird’s cage. I can see myself standing there as a little girl, intently watching my green and yellow parakeet with black, scalloped markings on his back and wings repeatedly move from left to right on his wooden perch. read more
Listen to Learn

Listen to Learn

Listen to Learn 2560 1704 Dux Communications
There are times when we must speak, speak loudly and even shout from the rooftops to be heard, regardless, relentlessly and unapologetically because our words are the fire that burn in our bellies. read more
Baby Boy

Baby Boy

Baby Boy 1920 1080 Dux Communications
From talking about survival rates after a cancer diagnosis to a new survivor status with a growing life in my belly… Life, at times, leaves me speechless. read more


Grateful 3024 4032 Dux Communications
Ever dare to thank your worst nightmare? …Thank the devil for saying hello just then. Cancer and the digestion of that truth brought me here…to this place… this deeper, more inspired headspace… read more

Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma 1920 1080 Dux Communications
The sun will always shine again. It’s time to rebuild. Pick up the pieces. Take care of your neighbor. Food. Water. Power. Every family deserves that… and it is coming. read more

To A Fighter, With Love

To A Fighter, With Love 1024 683 Dux Communications
I was thinking about Bryan last night. He can’t speak, but he always reaches his hand out.  to his father. to people he seems to recognize. The first time we met, he held onto my hand… read more
Weekend in Paris

Weekend in Paris

Weekend in Paris 1920 1080 Dux Communications
A picture captures a moment that will never happen again… a moment that has come and gone forever… but with a steady hand, right pointer finger pressed ever so gently… read more


Intertwined 1170 783 Dux Communications
Wife. Mother. Brother. Child. Neighbor. Boss. Partner. Employee. Who are you beyond the titles at home and at work? Who are you in this intertwined world? While we are in control… read more
Beep Beep

Beep Beep

Beep Beep 1920 1280 Dux Communications
We simply drive by other people’s lives only to get a glimpse of a face… a smell… a sound… but we don’t really know what life is like for them. read more
Nine Zero

Nine Zero

Nine Zero 2000 1000 Dux Communications
She is allergic to grass, flowers, and the outdoors? She loves the celebrity obsessed magazines and lengthy conversations about his uncle’s, father’s boss who married her on [insert specific date, time and location]. read more
Fishy Hands

Fishy Hands

Fishy Hands 1920 1080 Dux Communications
I spent hours with some of the most beautiful animals I had ever seen. Word of choice: majestic. But they “gotta eat.” (Checkers commercial nod. Yes, I’m a dork.) read more

In a Nutshell

In a Nutshell 1920 1280 Dux Communications
Monday through Friday can quickly become interesting, shocking, scary, plain boring, frustrating, inspiring, pleasantly heartwarming or all of the above. The news biz is something else. read more
It was Friday

It Was Friday

It Was Friday 1920 1280 Dux Communications
I remember the look on his face as he whispered the words. I remember staring intently at his lips as if I couldn’t hear a word he was saying. I gave him a quick smile. read more
Who We Be

Who We Are

Who We Are 1429 1080 Dux Communications
For a long time I have believed that hard work pays off and getting things the wrong way will catch up with you. I live by it. I fight for what I believe in… read more



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